**Update June 4, 2015: The RCMP has rattled some of the other importers on this magazine enough where they won’t be bringing them in. If you don’t want to risk it, don’t buy these mags.** ***Update Nov 18, 2015: The RCMP considers these “dual use” magazines and considers them prohibited. Read more here.***
C-Products Defense, or CPD, has decided to help us Canadians out and release a 5 round, 50 caliber magazine. Previously, Canadians could use Alexander Arms official 50 Beo magazines, but they were hard to find and pricey ($100-$200 on the used market). There’s also the Press Check Ventures Polymer mag, which works great if your magwell is mil-spec and a bit roomy. If your magwell was tight and worked best with metal mags, things weren’t so good. CPD’s 50 Beo mag coming into the market is a mid-priced ($40-$55) magazine for more capacity and is sure to be a hit with 3 gun competitors. The magazine is clearly marked for the capacity of round it was designed for and is permanently modified with crimps to keep it from holding more than it should.
The magazine comes with an anti-tilt follower, the body is made of aluminum, the front of the magazine is cutout specifically for 50 beo rounds to clear, and they’re currently available from Barton’s Big Country Outdoors.