Category: Equipment Reviews
Crua Tri Insulated Tent Review
Crua Tri Thermal Insulated Tent Tents come with some built-in disadvantages. They don’t do a heck of a lot to keep heat in, forcing you to use beefy sleeping bags and making you dread having to put on cold clothes in the morning. They get bright as soon as the sun comes out, so they’re not…
RZ Industries Hunting Mask Review
Bow hunting and hunting up close is difficult. Most hunters make judicious use of camo, scent blockers, scent attractants, and anything else they think might help get them the edge to get within 20 yards of their prey. For most, that includes a face mask or face paint. The RZ Industries hunting mask is a…
Safe Storage Solutions Review
Gun Storage Solutions Review Gun safe marketing is hilarious. “8 gun” safes struggle to fit 6, “16 gun” safes struggle to fit 8 long guns, you always run out of space sooner than you think you should. I have a 16 gun safe from Costco, but I started really running out of room at around…
Alexander Arms 50 Beowulf Mags in Canada
Within Canada, we have a few choices for 50 Beowulf magazines, but there’s only 1 company that makes licensed 50 Beowulf accessories: Alexander Arms. They keep all rights reserved on that name, which is why you’ll see them use it as .50 Beowulf® on their website. In Canada, the most common magazine that’s imported is the…
Pact Club Timer III Review
How about video + pics? The Pact Club Timer III is available at Brownell’s for $125 USD.
Nitecore Chameleon CB6 Hunting Kit Review
One of the unfortunate realities of hunting big game is that it’s the most fruitful hunting early in the morning or late at night for most species. Most anything brave, or stupid, enough to wander around in the broad daylight was hunted to extinction by humans or other predators ages ago. For most hunters, this…
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