Category: Equipment Reviews
Ruger 10/22 vs Remington 597
There are many options when it comes to purchasing your first firearm. For me, I settled on the idea of purchasing a semi-auto rifle chambered in 22 LR. I reasoned that a 22 is cheap to feed, ammo is widely available, and it will help me learn the fundamentals of proper shooting techniques without breaking…
Bushnell Trophy XLT 1.75-4x32mm Review
I thought I’d crack out a quick review on the Bushnell Trophy XLT 1.75-4 x 32mm Circle X scope. This is a mid to short range, compact, value priced scope. You might look to a scope in this class to top off a beater 30-30, truck coyote rifle, or even a shotgun or crossbow where…
Norinco T97 Sling
The smaller loops on the T97 make it more difficult to mount a sling. If you’re ok with a simple black sling, I’ve found the NCStar black SKS sling to do the trick. It’s cheaply made, but for the price, you could buy two.
Remington Targetmaster Delux Gun Cleaning Kit Mini Review
It’s a bit funny to review a cleaning kit, but I thought I’d take a stab at discussing traditional all-in-one kits like this one vs Bore Snakes and newer style packaging. First off, what this kit does well: All the parts in one case. My bore snakes are all over the place, this has…
Knight and Hale Pack Rack Mini Review
Another mini review, this time with Knight & Hale’s Pack Rack ™. Packing along a full deer rack to rattle in bucks works, but the antlers are pretty bulky and can be cumbersome packing into a day pack, and potentially loud if you’re climbing up a tree stand and your antlers are held together with…
- FTU (Flat Top Upper) Review
It’s here. The same guys behind have started to produce aftermarket parts for the T97. If you look back to my review on the Norinco T97, you’ll see that there are 2 issues I had with the rifle: ergonomics and optics mounting. Simply put, the carry handle on the T97 precludes low mounting of…
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