Category: Equipment Reviews
Remington Insulated Gloves Mini Review
This is only a quick review since there’s only so much to say about a pair of gloves. I typically hunt in -20 to -30 degree Celsius weather (-4 to -22F), and it can be a bit tough for gloves to keep up. With these gloves, I found that the insulation didn’t breath enough. From…
Chippewa Black Oiled Insulated Ladies Logger Review
Chippewa kindly provided these boots for review. This is the second pair of boots we’ve reviewed at The Hunting Gear Guy and this time around, we decided to get a lady’s perspective. If you’re looking for something in a men’s, check out our review on a set of Arctic boots. For this one, I asked…
SVT-40 Stainless Cup and Piston and Aftermarket Recoil Springs
Just a quick one that I wanted to share, because parts for the SVT-40 are pretty tough to find, and it’s always cool to find suppliers out there. The gas piston on my SVT40 was. . .pretty rough and corroded from its WWII action, and because it was refurbished, I’m not worrying about keeping it…
Primos Hoochie Mama Pack Review
The Primos Hoochie Mama produces a very realistic Elk “mew” that all bulls love to hear. Using only one hand, this Cow Elk call is very simple and easy to use by pushing the bellow with your thumb. The HM can create mew, lost and estrus sounds by twisting the call. Primos also made an…
Primos Buck Roar Review
Having all the gear one would need to harvest a perfect Trophy Buck is ideal. But if that same person wasn’t able to call in that buck properly, all that gear would be a complete waste of money. I admit straight up that I’m not very good at using any call, whether it be for…
Hogue AR15 Free Float Tube Handguard Mini Review
So, I had my AR15 out at the range, and off bags compared to off hand I was seeing a big shift in my Point Of Impact (POI). Forend pressure was transmitting midway down the barrel to affect where bullets were landing and I did not like it at all. Now, I didn’t want to…
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