Category: Equipment Reviews
Bushnell Sport 600 Laser Rangefinder Review
Because this model is deprecated already, this is going to be a short review. Laser rangefinders have really come down in price, and they’re starting to approach very affordable prices. But, and it’s a big but, the range to be useful for rifle based hunting has to be more than 400 yards. Why? Take a look at the…
Double Rifle Case
This is a picture of my Encore Pro Hunter as well as my Savage 111 Long Range Hunter (with attached bipod) both crammed into a Flambeau Double Rifle Case. I’m pumped that it fits the LRH, because it’s a monster of a gun and I really wasn’t looking forward to removing and reinstalling the bipod…
LEE 50th Anniversary Reloading Kit Review
Reloading can be a difficult thing to get into. It’s an area where there is a lot of choice, and where more experienced users forget how expensive and intimidating it can be to get into. I hear a lot of people claiming that the best solution for people new to reloading is to get a…
M14 and M305 Accessories in Canada
Smaller M14 accessories are quite a bit easier to get in Canada than larger, more expensive components, but you still need to know where to look for what. I’ve only listed online suppliers that I could find that have stock available right now. If you know of, or are a Canadian retailer and can supply…
FAB T-POD G2 Foregrip Bipod Review
Where I hunt, I’ve got equal opportunity running across a deer on the walk out, or scoping out a field from a ridge. That means I’ve got to be ready for shots anywhere from 40 yards to 450. To accurately reach out to 450, I need a stable platform to shoot from. My prone firing…
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