Category: Rifle Reviews
Remington 700 ADL Review
Recently, I came across a pretty good deal on a Remington 700 ADL and I had to pick it up. Of current Remington rifle offerings, I’ve previously reviewed the Remington 783 and 770, but the 700 was usually quite a bit more expensive. Recent loss of demand for firearms has likely lead to pressure Remington…
Mossberg Patriot Review
About 1 year ago, one of the website readers really wanted me to review the Mossberg Patriot. A low cost, bolt action hunting rifle, the Mossberg Patriot doesn’t really get the press that more popular Savage and Remington rifles get, nor does it get the prestige of some of the higher end brands. I found…
Top 20 Non Restricted Black Rifles in Canada
*Editor’s Note: September 2019. I know a lot of visitors are reading this article to better understand Canadian gun laws and what firearms we can legally own. If I can convince you to spend 5 minutes reading more information, I’d highly encourage you to check out my article on Canadian Gun Stats and my article on…
Scorpio SKS-15 Review
When it comes to SKS and SKS chassis, we’re a bit spoiled in Canada. We’ve been importing SKSs more recently than the US and still have a decent supply of inexpensive ones coming into the country, so we have lots of aftermarket parts and kits for them. The Scorpio SKS-15 by Kodiak Defence and North…
TNW Aero Survival Rifle (ASR) Review
The TNW Aero Survival Rifle, or ASR, is a lightweight, semi automatic, pistol caliber carbine. It is a takedown rifle, so you can pull the barrel off and store the whole kit in a backpack. The ASR comes in 9mm, .40 S&W, .45ACP, .357 Sig, and 10mm and you can even buy it in a…
WR762 Review: A Canadian VZ58/CZ858?
Here in Canada, a recent (2014) ban on CZ858 rifles as converted autos and then subsequent amnesty on owning those guns has introduced some potential risk to future “take backsies”. Canadians love the VZ58 pattern rifles and want more in country, so West Rifle and Kodiak Defense came up with the WR762: West Rifle 7.62.…
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