Category: Rifle Reviews
Browning SA-22 Takedown Review
The Browning Semi Auto 22, sometimes called the SA-22, was first produced in 1914 and is still in production today. It looks a bit odd in person and in photos because of some strange dimensions. The bottom eject receiver is oddly small, but it turns out to be a great balance point to hold the…
Chiappa Double Badger Mini Review
Versatility I find combination rifles really interesting. I mean, who wouldn’t want to have so much flexibility in ammo with just 1 rifle? The Chiappa Double Badger offers a 22lr barrel and 410 shotgun barrel in 1 rifle for about $350. These two cartridges offer flexibility needed for small game on the ground and in the air. Use…
Mossberg 4X4 Review
Tired of decently priced bolt action rifles? Me neither! Today I’m looking at a Mossberg 4×4 with a walnut wood stock. This is a detachable magazine, mid-range priced ($500), bolt action, centerfire rifle in 30-06, but the 4×4 is available in many other popular hunting cartridges. When you first pick up this rifle, I think the…
The Great 2014 22LR Shootout
So, I recently picked up a Norinco NS522 with the idea of becoming even more accurate when out gopher shooting. Part of testing out the rifle and learning more about it was finding the most accurate 22LR ammo out there. And since I was going to test a pile of different 22 ammo, it seemed to make…
Mosin Nagant Review
It seems a bit silly reviewing the hunting capabilities of a rifle in service since 1891, but the cold hard truth about hunting is that even a rifle this old is fine for the shots most people take. This is the 3rd Mosin Nagant that I’ve owned, and I bought is exclusively to do this review.…
Norinco NS522 Review and Uber Article
This is not a really well known rimfire rifle, because few of them were made. As far as I could tell, the ones making it into Canada were originally made for an American outfit in the mid 90’s, but the Clinton import ban on Chinese weapons stopped this particular batch from moving into the US.…
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