Category: Tips
DIY Elevated Hunting Blinds
Disclaimer: I’m no hunting shack construction expert. The shacks I’ve built have been made from scrounged materials and follow no logical building codes. When you build yours, please keep safety and your regional regulations in mind. When you have a bit of private land that you can hunt on, one addition that I’ve found adds…
10 Reasons Why I Love Hunting Deer in Winter
I live in Alberta Canada, and it can get really cold here during the winter. I love it, and here’s why. 1. Blood Shows Easily Against Snow I’ve found that tracking a deer shot with a bow & arrow can be a bit hard, mostly because in the fall there are plenty of different-colored leaves…
What’s the best caliber for hunting large game?
Well, the somewhat boring answer is that they’re all pretty good. Firearms media and old timers love to talk up their favorite cartridges, but pretty much any of the popular hunting cartridges perform ballistically and on-game very much alike. I’m also assuming Deer, Elk, and Moose are the intended game; this isn’t the article you want…
Top 10 Restricted Firearms in Canada
Since my Top 10 non restricted black rifle article is looking pretty popular, I thought I’d work on one for restricted versions. It’s a bit of a stray away from normal content for this website because we can’t hunt with these, but I thought it’d be interesting anyways. Thanks to diablo_man from r/canadaguns for help on…
Does Barrel Length Affect Accuracy?
I’ve had too many people tell me that longer barrels are more accurate and that short barrelled rifles are crap or that 26″ is the “most” ideal. A quick Google of the topic didn’t pull up any really decent articles either (Yahoo Answers does NOT count.) So, does barrel length affect accuracy? Answer: Not really…
Dominion Arms DA 556 on sale
Looking for an excuse to buy your first AR-15? Canada Ammo has their Dominion Arms DA556’s on sale right now for $599. I have no affiliation with them, but thought this is a deal worth mentioning to Canadian firearms owners. This is similar to a new-version Norinco CQ-A, except it has a quad forend. I’ve…
Flattest Shooting Hunting Calibers
Yeah, yeah, I know they’re cartridges and not calibers, but lots of people call them calibers so I thought I’d roll with it. I thought I’d run an article on the flattest shooting rifle cartridges to compare and contrast both what’s popular, as well as a few of the high performance options out there. The…
Where to Buy Used Guns in Canada
Buying used firearms comes with a unique set of challenges. Compared with new firearms, you’ve got to deal with a lack of warranty, unknown prior owner modifications or abuse, and frustrating seller ignorance of the rifle they’re trying to sell. That said, the used market can be the only way to fly if you’re looking…
Taking New Hunters Shooting
A good first experience shooting is a fundamental part of getting new hunters into the tradition. Plenty of new hunters are thrown into the sport without adequate firearms training and they can be a bit of a menace to themselves and to the wildlife. I’ve seen new hunters scared of shooting a big 300 Win…
Cold Weather Hunting Checklist
Do you use a checklist, or do you pack based on experience? Not to insult your or my experience, but humans make mistakes and forget. There have been 2 times I’ve been to the shooting range without a magazine for the particular rifle I had to shoot that day, once where I went without tools…
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