Budget Accuracy
In terms of inexpensive ammunition, Blazer seemed to come out on top. It bested all of our bulk pack ammunition choices and came in as the most accurate high velocity round in our 2014 comparison of 20 different kinds of 22 LR ammo. With a speed of 1235 at the muzzle, this is a very good budget round for small game hunting. With a plain, unplated bullet, you’re trading simplicity for convenience as plated bullets are cleaner on the fingers. For the price, it’s worth trying out to see if your rifle likes it.
Blazer 22 Long Rifle Accuracy

Had I been able to shoot a group with the Norinco NS522, I think we’d have seen an even lower average group size, but unfortunately, we had another group get mingled in with the Blazer. Oh well, that happens when you’re shooting 120 groups. I will reshoot this group sometime in the future with the NS522 and update with results.