Zee German Ammo
For someone who grew up shooting whatever cheap 22 ammo I could get my hands on, these was very high end 22 “shells”. It gave consistently great groups from pretty much all of the rifles that it was shot with. I think that ammo like this hints at the difference in gun cultures between North America and Europe. While most of the 22 shooting in the US and Canada is leisure, and high accuracy stuff is very difficult to find, much of the European ammo is quality over quantity.
RWS Club Accuracy

Bar none, this is great consistency and it shows the difference between high quality ammo and the rest: fewer flyers and none of the rifles were picky about it. One knock I do have (other than the price), is that this was the greasiest, waxiest ammo handled among all the types tested in our 2014 comparison. Even on a cold day, the grease still stuck to fingers and was persistent. So, even if you want to be a squirrel sniper, I think this stuff belongs at the range only.