Close In Pest Control
The CCI Quiet Segmented HP is a low velocity, low noise option for quiet pest control. It uses a different powder charge with an almost single minded goal of reducing noise. The bullet itself is designed to split into 3 pieces on impact, making for a more lethal bullet than most subsonic 40 grain round nose bullets, such as the Winchester Subsonic tested.
CCI Quiet Segmented HP Accuracy
Accuracy at 50 yards was the worst of the 20 different types of ammo tested in the 2014 22LR shootout. Not only that but drop on point of impact was very extreme in all rifles tested, even compared with standard velocity ammo. Drop on longer barreled 22’s was 7″, while the semi automatic or shorter barreled rifles saw a drop of 10+”. This extreme change in POI, not seen with the other subsonic tested, even resulted in losing a few groups (it shot so low that it got into the lower target.) Accuracy was also fairly poor at 50 yards with a lot of vertical separation in the groups. I suspect if I chronographed this round, I’d see a high range on muzzle velocity.

Failed to extract 8/10 times on our semi auto’s tested (10/22 and Marlin 795). That’s common with subsonic ammo, and shouldn’t really be seen as a knock on this round as it’s well outside design parameters. In bolt action rifles, this round was 100% reliable.
This is a bit of a specialist round. No other subsonic tested combined the lethality of the bullet and quietness of a subsonic round. So while it shot the worst of the bunch, it’s still accurate enough for close range (25 yard), bolt-action-only, pest control where noise may be a concern. Though at that range, an air gun would work just fine too.