The Huglu Renova SA is a semi automatic, inertia-driven, shotgun from Turkey. Wolverine Supplies had them on sale for a screaming deal and I’m a sucker for a sale, so I bought one.
- Magazine tube holds 4 (2 if you’ve got the plug in)
- 6.88lbs on my scale
- Comes with a set of 5 chokes
- 3 different buttpads: thin, medium, and THICC
- Comes in a pretty nice carrying case
- Comes with a set of adjustment shims to adjust cast and drop
- 28″ barrel on this one but other lengths are available
- Wood or synthetic stock
Is the Huglu Renova the same as the CZ 1012?
Yes, with a few accessory differences. The case is the same, shotgun is the same, and the stippling on the synthetic stock model looks like it was done by hand, just like the Huglu. Some of the CZ models come with extended chokes and there may be a few other minor differences here and there.
Is the Huglu Renova any good?
Yes and especially for the price. It’s got a lot of higher end features and accessories but at Turkshit pricing. CZ sells the same shotgun for $1000-ish. You can’t use it for 3 gun because you can’t easily add extension tubes for more capacity, but it’d be great for duck/goose hunting or just for busting clays.