Tag: Savage Axis
Boyds’ Gunstocks Now Offering Savage Axis Aftermarket Stocks
Boyds Gunstocks is now offering aftermarket stocks for the Savage Axis in their Classic, Featherweight Thumbhole, and Prairie Hunter Shapes. This is great news, because the Axis factory stock is a bit crappy looking and you can now have a fantastic looking stock for a bit more than $100. I’ve reviewed their stocks before…
DIY Savage Axis Trigger Job
DIY Savage Axis Trigger Job Warning: screwing around with your trigger comes with some risk. You should have a good idea of what the rifle trigger should be doing, have a bit of mechanical sense, and test rigorously afterwards. If you adjust your trigger according to this content, you take responsibility for your modifications. If…
Savage Axis Accessories
The Savage Axis is an incredibly inexpensive rifle and will be the starting point for a lot of hunters. I’ve got a few Axis-specific accessories below, but in order, here’s what I think should be replaced or upgraded: Trigger. It was hard to determine if I should recommend a $200 scope or a $100 trigger,…
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