I couldn’t find a lot of starter info on gearing up for 3-gun competition as practiced here in Canada, so I thought I’d put together a ton of info specific to Canada as I found it. Don’t care about shotguns and pistols? Check out my article on Canadian Service Conditions Competition.
Interested in finding a 3 Gun Match in Canada? Check out my new dedicated 3 gun Canada site, 3gun.ca
Pistols for 3 Gun in Canada

October 2022 Update: If you don’t already have your RPAL in-hand and a handgun purchased, you might be screwed. The Canadian Liberal government has banned the import of handguns and is expected to ban transfers soon as well. If you don’t own a handgun appropriate for 3 gun your options will be:
- Borrow one or share with a friend
That’s about it. Most clubs that do 3 gun are outdoor clubs far from the city and so they don’t have loaner handguns on-site. I’m not sure if you’d be able to take your “work” handgun to a match if you’re a cop or security guard.
Now, if you have a pistol or want to select a pistol for 3 gun in Canada, the big choice to make is between:
- A striker fired pistol with no safety to think about when firing or dumping the pistol
- A DA/SA or SA-only pistol with a safety and also probably a better trigger
CZ Shadow 1 and Shadow 2’s are the best choice if you intend on shooting IPSC in Production division as well.
Here are some options across the price range. The prices here are for historical purposes: new prices right now are all over the map and prices are not applicable once transfers are banned.
- Girsan MC28 SA: $300
- Canik TP9SA: $560
- S&W M&P 2.0: $589
- Canik TP9XFx: $720
- Glock 34: $800
- CZ Shadow SP-01: $800
- CZ Shadow 2: $1,250
- Walther PPQ Q5 Match: $1300
- Sig P320 X-FIVE: $1,400
- STI DVC 3-Gun: $4,300
- Laugo Arms Alien: $6,000
Pistols for Open Division in 3 gun:
- SPS Vista Open Pistol: $3,850
- CZ Czechmate Open Pistol: $5,200
- STI DVC Open: $5,800
- Tanfoglio Gold Custom Xtreme: $7,600
When you’re picking a pistol, don’t forget that you’ll need 4-5 magazines, a holster, and magazine pouches. Some of the more inexpensive or less popular handguns are difficult to get decent holsters and mag pouches for. Don’t buy a weird pistol and then try to run it with a shitty textile holster.
If you have a polymer, striker-fired pistol: a regular bladetech/passive retention holster will be fine.
If you have a heavier steel gun, a retention holster like the Safariland GLS or DAA Alpha-X will keep your gun from falling out and getting you disqualified.
Shotguns for 3-Gun in Canada

There are some special considerations due to magazine restrictions here in Canada. Pump shotguns are not limited in magazine capacity, but semi-automatic shotguns are limited to magazines that hold 5 rounds of the length that the shotgun was designed for. That last part is important, and you’ll see why in a minute. So, you’ve got:
- Pump shotguns with no limits on magazine tube extensions
- Pump shotguns with no limits on box magazines
- Semi-automatic shotguns with limits on tube magazines
- Semi-automatic shotguns with limits on box magazines
Pump shotguns with tube magazines can be the cheapest way to get into the sport. Most commonly, these are Remington 870’s and Mossberg 500-series shotguns with extensions that crank up magazine capacity from 4 rounds to 6-8. (depending on your barrel length and how far you want to go) If you go with a bullpup, dual tube shotgun like the UTAS UTS-15 or Kel Tec KSG, you’ll have 15 rounds in your pump action, but reloading and jam clearing are a lot more difficult than with a typical pump action. If the stage specifies that you start with a dry shotgun or with only 5 or 8 rounds in the tube, a KSG or UTAS shooter is totally hooped. Long story short: don’t use a KSG or UTAS for 3 gun or you’ll have a bad time.
Pump shotguns with box magazines, such as the SAP-6 and Brixia/Valtro PM5 provide a much faster way to reload and a huge capacity with 11 round magazines. BUT, check your local club’s 3-gun rules, as mag-fed shotguns may put you into a higher class like open.
The magazine-fed Mossberg 590M is a particularly trick shotgun to run because it can use 20 round mags. It may put you in open division.
Semi-automatic shotguns with tube magazines are limited to 5 rounds, but that’s not the end of the story. Because if you’re using 2 3/4 shells in a shotgun designed to hold (5) 3.5″ shells (like a Remington Versa-max), you’ll be able to fit (7) 2 3/4″ shells in the tube, 1 in the chamber, and 1 ghost loaded and still be legal. It doesn’t have to make sense, it’s Canadian law. Check out my article on Canadian Shotgun capacity if you’re interested in learning more. Generally, higher cost semi-automatic shotguns are more reliable.
Semi-automatic shotguns with box magazines are limited to 5 round magazines, unless they’re using magazines designed for a pump shotgun. Here in Canada, there are a few bullpup style shotguns that take those mags.
Just a quick note on chokes: try to get a shotgun that has some kind of choke. Cylinder-bore on a short barrel makes birdshot spread quick and you will have major problems knocking down plates on a Texas star if you’re rocking a tactical shotgun with a short, cylinder-bore barrel. Most of the competitions I go to are well served with an IC or M choke.
Some sample pump action shotguns and prices
- Maverick 88: $260
- Mossberg 500: $360
- Remington 870 Express: $450
- Brixia/Valtro PM5: $699 (check out this thread on CGN)
Semi auto shotguns and prices:
- Girsan MC312: $400
- Stoeger M3K: $800
- Remington Versa Max Sportsman: $1150
- Beretta 1301 Competition: $1500
- Benelli M2: $1500
- Browning A5: $1500
Note: Mossberg 930 and 940’s can be hit or miss. Can’t recommend them or any of the Turk off-brand shotguns.
Rifles for 3-Gun in Canada

Ugh, it used to be that the AR15 was the best rifle for 3 gun in Canada. Now that they’re prohibited and you can’t take them to the range, you gotta pick a rifle with downsides and choose which downside you want.

Some clubs are offering categories where milsurps or 22lr rifles can compete, but if you still want to compete in a traditional 3 gun division, here are your options:
- WK180Cs are common, but running them hard in 3 gun has shown a few weak points. Piston and charging handle breakages are common. Still, at around $1200, they’re decently cheap, and ergonomics on them are pretty good. Budget for a replacement trigger because the one it comes with is terrible.
- WS-MCRs don’t have as many of the parts breakages issues of the WK, and the ones they do have are avoidable (use an AR-style firing pin retaining pin, replace the stock, stake the castle nut). IMO, these are the best 3 gun rifle for the cost (~$1300)
- B&T APC223 are reliable and have great ergonomics, but they’re like $4000. If you’re made of money, look no further than this Swiss rifle.
- Tavors and X95’s are higher quality and more durable than the 180’s. They’re also getting up there in price at around $2400.
- The Kel-Tec RDB is another option at around $1500. They’re reliable and ergos aren’t complete garbage.
- Norinco T97’s are a decent budget choice because the Gen3 models are around $1100-$1200. Still, the safety is super slow to use and the ergos are still bad.
- Benelli MR1’s are $2000, ergos are a bit weird but otherwise they’re ok.
- The CZ Bren 2 MS might be a decent contender when they start coming into country.
- Used ACR’s are excellent, but pricey at around $3500. (Update Oct 2022: these prices are way higher now and into complete bonkers territory)
- Don’t use a Kel-Tec SU-16. The receiver will crack.
For mags, I really like the coupled Cross Mags. They fit more ammo on your belt so you need fewer mag pouches and they’re super reasonably priced.
Rifle Optics

Popular Tac Ops Scopes at various price points:
- Bushnell AR Optics 1-4 $200
- Vortex Strike Eagle 1-6 $420
- Burris MTAC 1-4 $540
- Vortex Viper PST 1-6 Gen 2 $980
- Vortex 1-6 Razor HD $2000
Popular Limited Red Dots:
- Bushnell TRS26 $220
- Sig ROMEO5: $280
- Vortex Sparc AR: $290
- Vortex Spitfire 1x (prism, etched reticle, works if you have astigmatism: $380)
- EOTech XPS2: $650
- Aimpoint PRO: $670
- Vortex UH-1 Holographic sight: $750
- Aimpoint CompM4 with mount: $1000
For Open division, put an LVPO scope on top and a mini red dot on a 45 degree mount.
Belt vs Tactical Vest vs Battle-belt

To carry your gear, there are a few options.
1.5″ Competition Belts come in a few different styles:
- Inner/Outer belt hook and loop style. Inner belt can be worn like a regular belt, outer holds your gear and can be put on or taken off pretty quickly. Double Alpha, CR Speed, etc. These are the most common style of belt you see at competitions.
- Safariland ELS Belt has set spots for gear. Very secure and easy to index gear locations and have them never move. These are the next most common and are the better choice for a serious competitor who wants secure, flexible belt mounting options.
- Plastic buckle quick connection. Easy to put on, but can’t be easily run through your pant belt loops to hold on your pants unless you thread on your holster and mag pouches at the same time. Kind of a shitty option, especially when you need to go to the shitter and your gear is a pain to take off.
These belts are generally a better option for competition and gear that uses 1.5″ belts is generally optimized for cost and competition. That said, these belts suck in winter as they don’t work well when you’re wearing a jacket. That can be a consideration if you’re in a part of Canada that gets snow in Spring when the first matches start to occur.
It’s generally trivial to find great holsters and magazine pouches that work with 1.5″ belts, but it can be a bit tougher to find AR15 mag pouches at a reasonable price. Blade-tech AR-15 single mag pouches are $50 each from most places in Canada, which is kind of pricey. Competition shotshell carriers are generally built to use 1.5″ belts.
Tactical Vests, Plate Carriers, Chest Rigs, and other Load Bearing Equipment
Vests and other LBE come in a million different flavors. Many come with more AR pouches than you’ll ever need, some also come with pistol mag pouches. These rigs can be more comfortable to wear all day compared to a belt setup. The textile pouches that are used are usually just a bit slower because they use bungee cord or velcro to retain magazines. Most use MOLLE straps so that you can add or configure them to suit you. Shotshell holders built for these tactical vests aren’t generally built for speed. But, if you want lots of AR and pistol mag pouches for a relatively low price, a tac vest or chest rig can do the job and are readily available in Canada or ordered online. Vest-mounted, cross-draw pistol holsters aren’t allowed in some competitions. If you treat 3-gun as training for SHTF, I guess this is the gear you should run. Just be sure to shout “Wolverines!” before you start every stage.
Battle Belt
A battle belt is a kind of a mix of the two systems above. It uses MOLLE attachment points, and some even offer 1.5″ belt attachment points for a drop holster. These give you access to the textile style pistol and rifle mag pouches like the TACO and can be easily worn outside a jacket in cold weather. Many are padded and are not meant to replace a pant belt.
Belt Mag Pouches
Taccom sells inexpensive shotshell carriers that Canadians can buy direct from the Taccom website. Higher quality shotshell carriers like the Invictus Practical, AP Customs, Safariland, and Carbon Arms are starting to come into Canada more regularly. CTC Supplies carries plenty of Invictus Practical shell carriers.

Pistol and rifle mag pouches are varied. If you want to start out with inexpensive, simple mag pouches, Blade Tek mag pouches are great. Their AR and double AR mag pouch is excellent. For pistol magazine pouches, the blade tek pouches are good as well, but need a screwdriver to adjust tension. Higher end pistol magazine pouches typically have some tool-less tension adjustment on the pouch itself.
Bringing Everything out to the Range
For ammo, I personally love the size of the “Fat Fifty” ammo can. It’s a bit wider than a typical 50 cal ammo can, and it seems to perfectly fit just what I need for a 3 gun match: 4 boxes of birdshot, 20 slugs, a big box of pistol ammo, and a few hundred rounds of 223.

For magazines, I used to just throw them in a range bag, but a guy at my range made this slick magazine pouch carrier. Again, it’s perfect for the task: it fits 6 pistol mags and 4 rifle mags, more than enough for a match.

For a case, I used to use a double rifle Plano case. There are better cases out there, but this one was $50 and it fits my shotgun, pistol, and rifle in it. I use combo locks on my guns and a combo lock for the case itself so that I never get stuck at the range on on the way to the range looking for my forgotten keys. Ahem, like my buddy Shawn.

Now, I use the RangeMaxx 3 gun case. It does a better job of keeping guns from hitting each other when in the case. Review of that case here.

For other things that I bring out to a 3 gun match: eye protection, ear plugs AND electronic muffs, sunscreen (this kids stuff has a lockable cap so it won’t spray out in your bag), mosquito spray, food for the match, backup meal bars in case, and tools just in case. This leatherman has come in handy lots of times! Don’t forget to bring a ton of water: you’re going to be outside for 8 hours, you need to stay hydrated.

Inexpensive 3 Gun Loadout
Here’s the cheapest setup I could think of:
Pistol: $350 + 2 more mags ($100)
Pump Action Shotgun+mag tube extension: $350
WK180C: $1200
AR Mags: $80
Belt: $50
Shotshell holders: $60 – $300
2 AR mag pouches: $80
At minimum, it’s about $2000 to fully gear up. It will be cheaper if you already have some of the firearms or gear.
Where to Buy 3 Gun Gear in Canada
I had a heck of a time sourcing 3 gun gear, so I thought I’d document where I found things along the way.
Brownells | US | ships to Canada and has a huge inventory. Crappy exchange rate between CDN and USD right now.
MD Gardner | Port Coquitlam, BC | Big focus on competition gear. Lots of Double Alpha (AA), Blade Tech, timers, mag wells.
CTC Supplies | Vancouver, BC | More tactical parts, good selection of shot shell carriers, lots of Magpul, AR mags, AR-parts,
Select Shooting Supplies | SW Ontario | Some unique magazine pouches, APEX parts for M&P pistols, Glock parts, mag and gun storage systems, all kinds of interesting stuff.
Freedom Ventures | Halifax, NS | All sorts of competition gear. Good selection of upper end competition pistols.
Calgary Shooting Centre | Calgary, AB | Firearms, optics, mags.
Tactical Products Canada | | Magazines, AR parts, Magpul,
Frontier Firearms | Magazines, slings, AR parts, firearms, holsters, tactical vests,
One Shot Tactical Supply | | Mag pouches, firearms, AR parts, slings,
SFRC | Harrowsmith, ON | Excellent inventory of all sorts of stuff
Did I miss a dealer or grossly mess up something in this article? Let me know in the comments and I’ll fix it!