Category: Tips
How to Make Your Own 5 Round Garand Clips
First off, this is a bit dumb: you can buy 5 round Garand clips new for like $5. But, hunting season was upon me and I forgot and I had lots of 8 round en-block Garand clips and I needed a few 5 round clips for hunting. DIY it is! Some people use little wood…
Reloading for 6.5 Creedmoor
Fitting in between the 7mm-08 and the 243 Winchester, the 6.5 Creedmoor is excellent for long range shooting as well as hunting CXP2 (deer, antelope) sized animals. Ballistically, 6.5mm bullets are better suited for 1000 yard shots than a .30 cal bullet like the 308 Winchester uses. They’re longer, faster, and stay supersonic to longer…
300 Win Mag vs 308
Unlike my 308 vs 30-06 article, this one is NOT splitting hairs. There is a great deal of difference between the 300 Winchester Magnum, affectionately known as the “300 Win Mag”, and the 308 Winchester. I’ll be primarily writing this article in mind of new hunters looking at rifles chambered in each of these cartridges,…
308 vs 30-06
This article is written with beginning hunters in mind as they choose their hunting rifle and are considering the differences between the 308 Winchester and 30-06 Springfield. What’s great about both the 308 and 30-06 Even though there are 40+ years between development of the two cartridges, they share a lot in common when used…
Where to Buy Guns Online in Canada
If you’re new to firearms, the fact that you can order them online might be new to you. Nevertheless, it is legal and convenient. You can often get great prices and have a new rifle shipped to your home in a week. In general, only the biggest stores can have both low prices and decent…
Hunting Rifles for Beginners
When it comes down to newcomers to the sport of big game hunting, one of the most common questions that comes up is which rifle to buy, and which caliber. For which caliber, check out my Popular Hunting Cartridge Ballistic Shootout. To make things quick, any of those cartridges will do the job, even the…
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